Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Amalkan Gaya Hidup Sihat, Perut Buncit Takkan Dilihat!

It's now my third month back in Penang, the food paradise. And after a year being away, I felt like diving into a pool of Char Koay Kak once I set foot on Penang soil. To top off my cravings for tasty Penang food, it also happened to be the Chinese New Year week, which means more good food, therefore, even harder to resist.

Char Koay Kak - Picture courtesy of

To make the short story long...

It comes to no surprise, then, that I managed to pack on a whopping 3 kilograms within the first week! But it didn't really bother me much, coz hey, it is Chinese New Year after all, right? I continued feasting like nobody's business after Chinese New Year without bothering about my expanding tummy.

Until one day...

I was preparing to go for my interview, and was browsing through the options of clothes I can wear. And guess what? All my nicer formal clothes, which I previously looked good in, couldn't fit! I looked like an uncle with a potbelly in those shirts! In addition to those, the buttons from two of my shorts came off (I'm currently sticking to elastic waist shorts for the time being)! And here's the final blow: ALL my formal slacks couldn't fit! I kid you not, it was worse than The Incredible Hulk wearing Bruce Banner's pants!

At least The Hulk could fit into those pants. Aye, that's the rub.

Picture courtesy of

Thanks be to The Good Lord Almighty that I tried these on a good few days before the interview. So on the following Sunday, I set out on a quest for a new pair of slacks.

Alright, now on to the main point. I finally realised how... err... fat... I've become, gaining a total of 6 kilograms in 3 months, that I've finally decided to...

...are you ready for this?


*all the fat people gasps*

Yup, you heard me! I finally went for my first round today at my housing area, which happens to be an ideal spot for an all-round training. By all-round, I meant that it's a good place for all round shaped people like myself to train. The housing area I live in happens to have a fair distribution of leveled surfaces as well as steep surfaces, so you can have the option to walk, jog, hike or do all three - like I did. But I didn't stretch properly! =( And being flat-footed, improper stretching of the feet can lead to painful consequences. I ended up with a mildly swollen right foot, but that will not stop me from going at it tomorrow! An additional motivation to me exercising, is that Pippy Duck also needs to train for her upcoming mission trip, so I won't have any excuse for skipping training for at least 2 months.

I initially thought of documenting my daily/weekly progress on the blog, but the thought of snapping pictures of my ugly, flabby body would give you readers the nightmare that is worse than the Nightmare On Elm Street. And photographing my progress with a shirt on would not really do the trick. What do you guys think? To bare it all for the camera or not? Personally, I'm more inclined to 'Nay', but I would like to hear your opinions on this. Leave me a comment and let me know if you'd like to see my half-naked body on the blog.

I'm gonna end now with this story:

Not too long ago, I had a friend come up to me and tell me: "Reuben, you need to exercise! You're out of shape!"

I replied: "I'm not out of shape! Round is a shape."

P.S.: whydoihaveafeelingthattherewillbepeoplewhowilltellmetopostuppicturesofmyflabbystomachsotheycanmakefunofme?


Li Qien said...

reuben, i gt nothing against u to au-naturel,
but do give sum tots 1st...

one thing to say: just go for it! i used to gain 5-6kg in 2nd year, so now back to my weight i had in form5.
js watch u eat, n exercise. can try apple cider vinegar too....

Reubz said...

@Qien: Thanks for the advice. As you can see, no pictures of Mr. Flabby.

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